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Trip Format

In MOSS, trip is composed of Persons. Below is an introduction to the attributes of Person.

Transport Attribute


field: data.vehicle_attributetypedescription
lane_change_lengthfloat64distance required to complete lane change: m
min_gapfloat64the minimum distance between the vehicle and the vehicle in front: m
lengthfloat64length: m
widthfloat64width: m
max_speedfloat64max speed: m/s
max_accelerationfloat64max acceleration: m/s^2 (positive value)
max_braking_accelerationfloat64max deceleration: m/s^2 (negative value)
usual_accelerationfloat64usual acceleration: m/s^2 (positive value), required to be less than the max acceleration
usual_braking_accelerationfloat64usual deceleration: m/s^2 (negative value), required to be greater than the max deceleration
headwayfloat64safe time headway: m/s^2 (positive value)
lane_max_speed_recognition_deviationfloat64the deviation of the vehicle's recognition of lane max speed, must in range (0,1)
emission_attributeEmissionAttributethe emission parameters of this vehicle


field: vehicle_attribute.emission_attributetypedescription
weightfloat64weight of this vehicle: kg
typeVehicleEngineTypeengine type of this vehicle, 0: unspecified; 1: gasoline vehicle; 2: electric vehicle
coefficient_dragfloat64drag coefficient of the vehicle
lambda_sfloat64pavement friction coefficient
frontal_areafloat64frontal area: m^2
fuel_efficiencyVehicleEngineEfficiencyOptional, fuel vehicle efficiency
electric_efficiencyVehicleEngineEfficiencyOptional, electric vehicle efficiency
message typesfieldtypedescription
VehicleEngineEfficiencyenergy_conversion_efficiencyfloat64the energy conversion efficiency: E_{vehicle consumed} / E_{fuel or electricity}


field: data.bike_attributetypedescription
speedfloat64moving speed of this person if he rides a bike


field: data.pedestrian_attributetypedescription
speedfloat64moving speed of this person if he walks

Schedules Attribute


Position typesfieldtypedescription
sfloat64s is the distance from the point on the lane to the starting point of the lane
Position.AoiPositionaoi_idintAOI ID
poi_idintPOI ID, needs to be a sub-poi of aoi_id, otherwise the value is invalid


message typesfieldtypedescription
DrivingJourneyBodyroad_idslist[int]road sequence from origin to destination
etafloat64estimation time of arrival
WalkingRouteSegmentlane_idintLane ID
moving_directionMovingDirectionmoving direction; 0: unspecified; 1: in the same direction as the positive lane direction; 2: in the opposite direction as the positive lane direction.
WalkingJourneyBodyroutelist[WalkingRouteSegment]the (Lane+direction) sequence from the origin to destination
etafloat64estimation time of arrival
JourneytypeJourneyType0: unspecified; 1: driving; 2: walking
drivingDrivingJourneyBodyOptional. routing results for driving journey
walkingWalkingJourneyBodyOptional. routing results for walking journey


modeTripModetrip mode, 0: unspecified; 1: walking only; 2: driving only; 5: Riding bikes if avaible, otherwise walking.
departure_timefloat64expected departure time (in seconds), optional
wait_timefloat64the expected waiting time (in seconds), if departure_time is empty, wait_time defaults to 0, optional
arrival_timefloat64expected arrival time (in seconds), optional
activitystringthe activity name of the destination for this trip
routesJourneypre calculated routing results


tripslist[Trip]list of trips
loop_countintthe number of times trips are executed, where 0 represents infinite loops and greater than 0 represents how many times they are executed
departure_timefloat64expected departure time (in seconds), optional. FAQ: Q1-What would happen if both the Schedule and the departuretime of the first Trip were specified simultaneously? A1-only depend on the departuretime of Trip. Q2-What would happen if both the Schedule and the first Trip were specified with wait_time=10 at the same time? A2-the waiting time is 10+10=20
wait_timefloat64expected waiting time (in seconds), if departure_time is empty, wait_time defaults to 0.

Main Attribute

data.homePositioninitial position
data.scheduleslist[Schedule]initial schedules
data.labelsdict[string, string][can be empty] additional tags (e.g. repair vehicle type -> power grid)


"class": "person",
"data": {
"attribute": {},
"home": {
"lane_position": {
"lane_id": 130104,
"s": 115.71712716462363
"schedules": [
"trips": [
"mode": 2,
"end": {
"lane_position": {
"lane_id": 22867,
"s": 57.59639027707855
"activity": "education",
"routes": [
"type": 1,
"driving": {
"road_ids": [
"eta": 994.2598904793631
"loop_count": 1,
"departure_time": 31793.10010598981
"vehicle_attribute": {
"lane_change_length": 10,
"min_gap": 1,
"length": 5,
"width": 2,
"max_speed": 41.666666666666664,
"max_acceleration": 3,
"max_braking_acceleration": -10,
"usual_acceleration": 2,
"usual_braking_acceleration": -4.5,
"model": "normal",
"lane_max_speed_recognition_deviation": 1,
"emission_attribute" {
"weight": 18000,
"type": 1,
"coefficient_drag": 0.251,
"lambda_s": 0.29,
"frontal_area": 2.52,
"fuel_efficiency": {
"energy_conversion_efficiency": 0.013230000000000002
"bike_attribute": {
"speed": 5
"pedestrian_attribute": {
"speed": 1.34
"id": 0,
"labels": {}