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From OpenStreetMap


Generate GeoJSON Data

from import RoadNet
object = RoadNet()
  1. Download raw OpenStreetMap data

    • object._get_osm()
  2. Remove duplicated ways and nodes

    • object._remove_redundant_ways(), object._remove_simple_joints()
    • In cases where there are multiple roads connecting nodes, if it is a two-way road, keep it as a two-way road; if it is a one-way road, only keep the shortest one.
    • Delete simple nodes with only one incoming and one outgoing road, and merge the incoming and outgoing roads together. (Short merges into long)
  3. Transform all roads into one-way road

    • object._make_all_one_way()
    • Splitting two-way roads into two one-way roads going in opposite directions.
  4. Remove isolated roads

    • object._remove_out_of_roadnet()
    • Remove isolated ways outside the largest connected component of the road network.
  5. Build junctions

    • object._init_junctions(), object._merge_junction_by_motif()
    • Initialize junctions based on the connectivity of nodes, so that every node connected to more than 1 way is considered a junction.
    • Identify fixed patterns in the road network topology and merge them into a single junction.
  6. Delete redundant units

    • object._clean_topo()
    • If there are multiple roads connecting between two junctions, only the one with the most lanes and the shortest length will be retained. If a junction only has two roads, one entering and one exiting, then the junction will be removed and the two roads will be combined.


Generate GeoJSON Data

from import Building
object = Building()
  1. Download raw OpenStreetMap data

    • object._query_raw_data()
    • Ways that constitute AOIs independently are separately classified as ways_aoi. Ways that require relation descriptions are classified as ways_rel.
  2. Make polygon AOIs

    • For ways_aoi, each way contained represents a closed loop shape without any inner shapes, directly serving as the shape of the AOI.

    • For ways_rel and the described relations:

      • If the number of external edges is greater than 1

        • If there are multiple closed loop edges and no open edges, take the union of all the edges.

        • If the union result contains multiple polygons, each polygon becomes a separate AOI.

        • If the union result is a single polygon, it becomes an AOI.

        • If there are no closed loop edges but there are open edges:

          • Connect these open edges. If a unique polygon can be formed, it becomes an AOI.
    • If there is only one external edge:

      • f this edge forms a closed loop (i.e., it is self-contained), the polygon formed by this edge becomes the shape of the AOI.


Generate GeoJSON Data

from import PointOfInterest
object = PointOfInterest()
  1. Download raw OpenStreetMap data

    • object._query_raw_data()
    • Ways that constitute AOIs independently are separately classified as ways_aoi. Ways that require relation descriptions are classified as ways_rel.
  2. Make polygon AOIs

    • For ways_aoi, each way contained represents a closed loop shape without any inner shapes, directly serving as the shape of the AOI.

    • For ways_rel and the described relations:

      • If the number of external edges is greater than 1

        • If there are multiple closed loop edges and no open edges, take the union of all the edges.

        • If the union result contains multiple polygons, each polygon becomes a separate AOI.

        • If the union result is a single polygon, it becomes an AOI.

        • If there are no closed loop edges but there are open edges:

          • Connect these open edges. If a unique polygon can be formed, it becomes an AOI.
      • If there is only one external edge:

        • f this edge forms a closed loop (i.e., it is self-contained), the polygon formed by this edge becomes the shape of the AOI.