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Trip Generators

Random Generators

from mosstool.trip.generator import RandomGenerator

RandomGenrator generate specified number of persons with random departure times and random visiting positions.

The initialization function of RandomGenerator.

Args of RandomGenerator.__init__

  1. m (Map): the map
  2. position_modes (List[PositionMode]): the schedules generated will follow the position modes in this list, the generated person will visit modes of positions as specified.
  3. trip_mode (TripMode): the target trip mode
  4. template (Person): the template of generated person object, whose schedules, home will be replaced and others will be copied

This function Generate persons following uniform distribution

Args of RandomGenerator.uniform

  1. num (int): the number of person objects to generate
  2. first_departure_time_range (Tuple[float, float]): the range of the first departure time (uniform random sampling)
  3. schedule_interval_range (Tuple[float, float]): the range of the interval between schedules (uniform random sampling)
  4. seed (int): the random seed. Defaults to None
  5. start_id (int): the start id of the generated person objects. Defaults to None. If None, the id will be NOT set

OD-Matrix Generators

This model generate OD-matrix for trip generation.

Gravity model

from mosstool.trip.generator import GravityGenerator

Args of GravityGenerator.__init__

  1. Lambda, Alpha, Beta, Gamma (float): the parameters of Gravity model.

Args of GravityGenerator.load_area

  1. area (GeoDataFrame): the area data as origins and destinations.

Args of GravityGenerator.generate

  1. pop (list[int]): the population of each area, consistent with the order of area.

Realistic Generators by Diffusion Models Based on Public Data

from mosstool.trip.generator import AigcGenerator

Args of AigcGenerator.__init__

  1. Lambda, Alpha, Beta, Gamma (float): the parameters of Gravity model.

Args of AigcGenerator.set_satetoken

  1. satetoken (str): set the satetoken for the generator, token is used for World_Imagery, can be applied from ArcGIS (

Args of AigcGenerator.load_area

  1. area (GeoDataFrame): the area data as origins and destinations.

OD-Matrix Based Generators

from mosstool.trip.generator.generate_from_od import TripGenerator

TripGenerator generate specified number of persons according to input OD matrix.

Args of TripGenerator.__init__

  1. m (Map): the map

  2. pop_tif_path (str): path of world population TIFF

  3. template (Person): the template of generated person object, whose schedules, home will be replaced and others will be copied

  4. add_pop (bool): if true and pop_tif_path is valid, population of AOI will be calculated

  5. workers: (int): number of workers for multiprocessing of adding populations

Args of TripGenerator.generate_persons

  1. od_matrix (numpy.ndarray): the OD matrix
  2. areas (GeoDataFrame): the area data as origins and destinations, consistent with the order of od_matrix.
  3. departure_time_curve(list[float]): the departure time of a day (24h). The resolution must >=1h
  4. agent_num: (int): the number of person objects to generate
  5. seed (int): the random seed. Defaults to 0